Perfecting Your Putting Grip
Finding Your Ideal Technique
Team-Building Activities for All
Putting World’s Winning Formula
World Putting Tour – November 2023 (Rounds 1 & 2)
Rounds one and two of the World Putting Tour – November 2023 will take place at Putting World on Saturday, November 4th. Check-in starts at 5:30 pm with a 6:30 […]
World Putting Tour – October 2023 (Rounds 3 & 4)
World Putting Tour – October 2023 (Rounds 3 & 4) will take place at Putting World on Sunday, October 8th. Tee times start at 11:00 am and will be based […]
Tuesday September 26 – Better Ball Tournament
Grab a putting partner and join us from 6-9 pm for the 2-person better ball tournament. $20 buy-in with CASH payouts straight from the pool of participants who enter the tournament!
World Putting Tour – August 2023 (Rounds 1 & 2)
Rounds one and two of the World Putting Tour – August 2023 will take place at Putting World on Saturday, August 5th. Check-in starts at 5:30 pm with a 6:30 pm shotgun start. The event entry fee is $300 for both Professional and Amateur players (the entry fee covers both days). Players must be registered as World Putting Tour Members. Tour memberships are just $200/year.
Performance Studio Programs – Open House
Come check out our state-of-the-art performance studios while our performance coaches walk you through a variety of programs. Our performance coaches will give you an overview of how our customized […]
Wednesday July 12 – Open-Entry Putting Tournament
Join us from 6 pm – 9 pm for our open-entry tournament. $30 buys you into the action, with a chance at $2000 in prizes. You can enter up to 4 times. The tournament is open to anyone and everyone!
Tuesday, July 4th – Better Ball Tournament
Grab a putting partner and join us from 6-9 pm for the 2-person better ball tournament. $30/per entry round, with up to 4 chances to enter, and $1500 in prizes!
Wednesday, June 28 – Open Entry Putting Tournament
Open Entry Tournament – June 28 -Join us from 6 pm – 9 pm. $30 buys you into the action for your chance to win a part of $2000 in prizes.